Wednesday, August 13, 2008

femme conference & moving?

well, thursday it's off to the femme conference in chicago! this week has been so busy preparing - there are *twelve* of us from the femme mafia twin cities roadtripping together, not to mention another member meeting us in chicago, as well as a handsome out-of-state friend i met at an academic conference a few months ago. full reports when i get back! i'll have access to a comp, but i'm guessing not much time to do on-site blogging. we'll see!

also, i'm thinking of making the move of femme FATale over to wordpress. while blogger suits me relatively fine, i like the option of being able to keep posts private and only accessible via password. i thought this was some fancy html magic you were all using, but it turns out that it's just another awesome wordpress feature! my readership has been increasing more and more and with it comes the possibility of people stumbling on here that needn't read certain things, things i want to keep to a select audience, etcetera, thus the switch. i'll have more info about the move as it happens, but i'm guessing over the next few weeks?

for now though, off to chi-town!



QueerFemme said...

I'll be there!
If you want to find me my picture and real name are on the site.

hussy red said...

is this maggie? i'm so bummed i didn't get this until today when i got home! so sad :( you were wonderful though last night at that cabaret! hopefully i'll see you before 2010 ;)

Anonymous said...

How was the conference?? I'm so sad I couldn't be there!